Quote of the Week // 31st Week

Quote of the Week - 31st Week Simply Megan Joy Blog.png

Gilbert K. Chesterson was an English writer, poet, journalist, and theologian born in 1874. He is known to have written over 4,000 essays during his sixty-two years of living, along with multiple books and short stories.

Sometimes, it’s hard to love the unlovely. Sometimes, it seems impossible. “Why should we love someone who is so rude and impolite, anyway? Why don’t we give them what they deserve and be rude right back? Maybe it would teach them not to be rude anymore.” Umm, probably not. Here’s that good ‘ole saying, two wrongs don’t make a right. So what do you do when you encounter an unlovely person?

Last weekend, I was at a large event that involved taking a shuttle bus to and from our car which was parked in a cow field half a mile away from the event. At the end of the day, we got in line for the bus and waited for twenty minutes for it to arrive. After the people in front of us got on the bus, the driver told us that there were only five seats left, and there were six people in my group, one too many for the bus. The driver wouldn’t let one of us stand or share a seat, he wouldn’t let us on. He began auctioning the five seats off to the people behind us. “Five seats? Anybody for five?” He suddenly changed it to six seats left on the bus. “Six seats!” He called. Just as he said that, the people behind us jumped in front of us and into the bus. After seeing this, we asked the driver why he wouldn’t let us on the bus in the first place. He looked straight at us, closed the door, and off went the bus, leaving us to walk the half mile in the dark to our car.

I was certainly mad that night. How could someone do something like that and think it was ok? It took me a whole day to stop being angry at the bus man. It got me thinking about loving the unlovely.

I’m sure you’ve all had an experience similar to mine, where you had to deal with an unlovely person. It’s easy to love the lovely, but hard to love the difficult, that’s a fact, and it’s probably true that the unlovely are the ones who need the most love! The question is, what are we supposed to do in these situations? Here are two Bible verses that will answer that question.

Luke 6:27-28 says, “But I say unto you which hear, love your enemies, do good to them which hate you, bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.” KJV

Proverbs 15: 1 “A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.” KJV

‘Nuff said.


Have you ever been in the same kind of situation?

How do you treat unlovely people?

What do you think about the two verses?


Megan Joy

11 thoughts on “Quote of the Week // 31st Week

  1. Sorry you experienced that Megan. The old me would have flown of the handle. Now, when I find my self not loving my neighbour 🙂 I just start praying. I don’t care if I am in public, eyes wide open, I start praying in my head, for this person to be blessed, help them with whatever is troubling them, and I pray that God lets me see Him inside that person, and to help me see them as my brother or sister. I stumble at times because my first reaction is hurt, anger, etc. But as soon as I catch it, I start praying 🙂 God Bless you

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    1. That’s really great that you have a plan on what to do in these situations! That’s very smart! It takes time for our first reaction to be prayer, but I will certainly strive for that like you have! Thanks so much for reading! 🙂
      ~ Megan Joy

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        1. Oh, I didn’t think it sounded like that at all! Sorry if it sounded like I thought so 🙂 I always enjoy reading your comments and am always happy to see them pop up in my notifications! You’re always so caring! Thanks for commenting! 🙂
          ~ Megan Joy

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  2. Loved this Megan!! The quote, the man’s backstory, and your unfortunate circumstance! That…yeah that would be hard not be made or react, especially after the whole ordeal of trying to get a seat in the first place. I would have struggled too. Maybe, if not all, some of the people needed the ride, something happened in their life, in which that ride helped them. Or maybe their spirit was pricked for being selfish, and for them to consider, “Next time, I shouldn’t do that.” : ) Thanks for your honesty, Megan!

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